AU Gallery Write-Up (Part II)


Another three dimensional artwork I enjoyed viewing from Alfred University’s senior gallery visit was Ryan Burch’s Fishing Lures. This piece displays a wide assortment of fishing lures as the title implies in addition to a pair of scissors hanging at the top of the frame. This sculpture was made by the use of porcelain, terra-cotta clay, wire and hooks. One of the piece’s main components that I greatly appreciate is its content of shape variety; The lures are spread across through many proportions and sizes. The negative space surrounding its frame grants the image natural aura reminiscent of a calm river that ties back into the fishing theme. Expanding more on this, I believe the purpose of this piece is to explore the idea of how utilities impact how we dictate our lives. An interesting aspect of this piece is the large pair of scissors placed on the top of the frame. It breathes more energy into the design because if the piece was strictly fishing lures, it would be seen as rather boring. The scissors express how Burch implemented scale into the artwork as the size adds into the expansive library of size that can be seen in the entire piece. One last thing I would like to add is how the artist blended symmetry snd asymmetry together due to the neat organization that is thrown off by the scissors.

About Joshua Shane Williams

Aspiring artist and graphic designer free lancing as well experimenting various mediums. Founder of Joshane Comics™ as well the creator of many characters and logos.
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