Character Animation GIF


This is my animation for the character I made in the Canon project. I made this GIF (Graphic Interchange Format ) by drawing sixty individual frames of the character and animating it through photoshop to create the illusion of movement. I used index cards for the canvas and made the illustrations with pen. To make the animation on photoshop, I layered the images in a sequence that shows her transition from the clam, action and returning back to the shell.

I believe this process was successful because the character is making clear movement that is smoothly displayed in the animation. Even though she remains stationary for a majority of the GIF, she is still motioning herself to make a strong visual impact. The stars floating around her also help with expressing movement as they hover up and down in the background.

Something I could have improved on was making the animation loop back to the beginning point similar to the phenakistiscope project. At some points, the animation makes long  jumps to another frame that could have been connected better. The biggest problem was trying to fit her entire body in the shot, but I was still able to capture the action effectively.

About Joshua Shane Williams

Aspiring artist and graphic designer free lancing as well experimenting various mediums. Founder of Joshane Comics™ as well the creator of many characters and logos.
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